Pastel Rainbow Clay
Awhile back I built up a collection of Rit Dye while I was experimenting with making crepe paper flowers. Since then, I’ve found numerous uses for their colorful existence in my little craft box.
I also love working with modeling clay. I’ve used the air dry and bake-to-dry and like them both. They come in lovely neon and primary colors which are fun for kids but for myself, I prefer white.
Bland, boring white always inspires my creativity the most. It’s literally like a blank white painter’s canvas, ready for color and life.
Enter Rit dye. When plain white modeling clay is dyed with Rit dyes they take on the color but in a more subtle tone. Which is exactly what I love. I heart pastels.
First I measured and divided the brick into the number of colors that I have.
I shaped each portion into little bowls and drizzled about one teaspoon to one tablespoon in. The lighter colors needed more dye while the darker colors required less. I had to slowly (and messily) work each color in and it took a bit of patience and slow kneading.
This is a messy venture so be sure to NOT wear your favorite clothes! I prefer kneading in a paper plate for easy clean up.
ps. You can use rubber gloves. I never remember to and the dye is usually completely washed out of my hands and cuticles within a day or two.
(I love how aquamarine blended in perfectly with my aquamarine picnic table. Success!)
Oooh so pretty!!
Make sure that you keep each ball wrapped tightly in plastic wrap as the clay is modeling clay and will dry out quickly!
Too cute, these look like baby snails!!!
Rainbow beans!!