
Welcome to my little space.

toddler fruit art!

toddler fruit art!


Don’t you love to waste food? If you have kids then you obviously do.

They want an apple. Peeled, of course. So you graciously take 15 minutes out of your morning to peel the damn apple. Oh, actually they want it carefully cut into uniform slices. Emphasis on the uniform. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT allow there to be any kind of flaw or characteristic to said peeled and uniform-sliced apple. Put it on their favorite plate. NOT THAT PLATE. Their other favorite plate. The one that matches the punch cup because in five more minutes they will be begging you to make punch because they didn’t eat their damn apple.

See where I’m going with this…?

This time after I carefully washed off the apple (why bother?) that my kids had requested for breakfast (thank goodness I didn’t waste money on organic!!) I already could see into the horizon. I knew that this apple was not destined to nourish… It was destined for art!


At least little Miss Grumpfish had fun!

Since we were already elbow deep in enthusiasm and craft paint we decided to make her a beaded bracelet, which she still wears every day!


And because apples inspired us so we decided that strawberry tops look an awful lot like pretty little flowers too!


Happy painting!!

Autumnal scavenging

Autumnal scavenging

Leif's Big Five

Leif's Big Five